This large apartment building in downtown Milwaukee was experiencing multiple leaks throughout the roof. Working with a limited budget, we devised a plan to tackle the repairs needed to fix the leaks and some additional preventative maintenance to qualify the roof for a Silicone Restoration System a few years later. This was a tall building with only roof access through an apartment window.
Solution: We replaced wet insulation in multiple areas, sealed water entry points along the termination bars, scuppers, and seams, applied new lap sealant to all the seams, and, lastly, mortared all ceramic coping tile joints. A crane and skylift were needed to load and unload the roof safely.
Limited Disruption to Tenants
Roof Size: 25,000 sqft
Substrate: EPDM
Warranty: SBS two-year artistry warranty.
Duration: 2 weeks
Free Estimates on all Roofing Services
Click here to get started
(262) 354-0872
Brookfield, WI
and surrounding areas
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