This large apartment building in downtown Milwaukee has multiple sections of roofing that have recently been coated with an acrylic restoration system. No major repairs were completed prior, resulting in significant leaking, a rotted roof deck, and soft spots in the roof due to trapped moisture. Having just spent a good amount of money on the roof, this customer needed a long-term, cost-effective solution that was easy on the budget, which meant not tearing it off.
Solution: After a thorough inspection, we found the roof section was too wet for a Silicone Restoration System, so we did the next best thing… Repair and replace the rotted deck and wet insulation, build up the current roof system and install a wind-vented, fastened roof system over the top. With the intricate ventilation system of this style of roofing, we can dry out any moisture that may have been left behind and reduce the dead load caused by the negative pressure created by the vents.
Amount of sq ft saved from the landfill:
4,000 sqft.
Substrate: Smooth Modified Bitumen with an Acrylic Coating over the top.
Warranty: 20-year Labor and Material Warranty
Duration: 1 ½ weeks
Free Estimates on all Roofing Services
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(262) 354-0872
Brookfield, WI
and surrounding areas
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